Ron Burton is responsible for program management oversight in injury biomechanics, vehicle crashworthiness and biomechanics, advanced crash-avoidance technology, and human factors programs across the TRC campus. Ron has served TRC for over 35 years, with more than 26 years of technical and project management experience in the areas of vehicle stability and control, injury biomechanics research, crash-avoidance advanced technology, crashworthiness testing, and simulation. In 1992, he became TRC program manager for injury biomechanics, collaborating with the College of Medicine at The Ohio State University and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Vehicle Research & Test Center. In 1996, Ron was assigned as an operations manager at the TRC Impact Laboratory, responsible for Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards testing, vehicle crashworthiness, and biomechanics simulation. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA from Wright State University.